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Cover Image 2023/2024:

Fuori posto by Giulia Pintus

CASA LUFT is a space dedicated to creation in the context of live performance, a place for training and research that deals with the body as an instrument of poetry, encouraging opportunities for human, artistic and cultural exchange.

In Turin, in the suburb of Borgata Lesna, stands CASA LUFT, an industrial shed that was once used as a repair car shop and is now our home.

From this place Zerogrammi gives life to its artistic and cultural activity by coordinating an articulated network of collaborations of local as well as international dimensions and offering space to the creative processes, training, and research of a large collective of artists.


LUFT, ‘open space’, ‘air’ in many Northern European languages, is shaped like HOME: meaning support, a place for personal, cultural, social evolution. The meeting of different experiences and points of view is, for those who inhabit it (artists and non-artists) a valuable tool for enhancing human and social heritage and the wealth generated by confrontation.

the choreographic coworking

Artistic production activities, mediated through an articulated choreographic coworking project whose name is PERMUTAZIONI, are at the heart of the poetics that animates CASA LUFT, the workshop where the creative idea can find the tools to be realised, to coincide with and adhere to the need that generated it, and to arrive intact, urgent to the fundamental dialogue with the spectator. Part of the choreographic coworking: cantiere (construction site), a set of creative projects curated by the stable authors of the Zerogrammi company, the collective of associated authors, a three-yearly path that supports the artistic production of young freelance authors, la rete (the network), a set of co-productions and special projects that involve several organisations in their trajectory of creation, the long stay residencies, an annual call for proposals that supports artists from the Piedmont region.

for a didactic of the narrative body

CASA LUFT's training appointments are mediated by INVENTARIO, an annual professional program implemented in collaboration with the multiplicity of organizations and practitioners with which CASA LUFT and Zerogrammi are networked. INVENTARIO is an intensive program that brings together practical, technical and theoretical insights into the practice of theatrical and choreographic languages.

The constant presence of artists involved in creation activities represents a precious opportunity to effectively connect research, study and practical application, tools and aims, in order to learn with analytical capacity, intelligence, awareness and effectiveness the work on stage, offering a stable opportunity of improvement to artists at the beginning of their careers.

Luoghi comuni to share artistic and cultural processes

The activities that inhabit the spaces of CASA LUFT become the instrument with which we open up to dialogue with the territory. Four annual appointments that coincide with the solstices and equinoxes, moments of revolution, of change, of offerings, become the pretext for summing up the paths taken, showing the fruits and relaunching cultural and artistic activity for the future, involving and consolidating different and complementary looks and points of view. CASA LUFT is a COMMON PLACE: an open place where we can meet, share experiences and ideas, where we can solicit and multiply opportunities for new questions and stimuli, the ground for a real sharing with the people whose path we cross, on the definition of a fluid social and cultural identity, on the sense and value of the "theatrical" space as a place for individual and collective growth.



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